
【老狗的理財學園】台灣50平衡比例投資法、台指期平衡比例投資法、選擇權賣方策略、Excel VBA 程式交易
‧台灣50(0050)平衡比例投資法:【交易邏輯】【實際交易記錄】 ‧台指期平衡比例投資法:【交易邏輯】
‧選擇權(delta-neutral)賣方策略:【交易邏輯】【實際交易記錄】 ‧【平衡比例交易檔案】:檔案取得資訊

2014年12月9日 星期二

【財務論文】Flow Toxicity and Liquidity in a High-frequency World(2012a)

The idea is originated form the papper: "Flow Toxicity and Liquidity in a High Frequency World" by Esaley, Prado, and O'Hara (2012) https://ideas.repec.org/a/oup/rfinst/v25y2012i5p1457-1493.html

Here, The behavior of Taiwan Index Futures, from 2008/9/1 to 2008/11/28, is investigated by means of VPIN. and the parameters are,
Bulk size : 1,750 contracts (around 1/50 average daily trading volume)
Rolloing window size : 50 Buckets for a VPIN

The Video Demo:

